Monday, October 26, 2020


 Diamond Feng Shui Fest

Learn the life-changing secrets of "Feng Shui" in the FREE 3-day Diamond Feng Shui Fest online beginning November 10

Feng Shui is more than good interior design and having space that "feels" good. When done right it can be one of the most powerful personal development tools ever.

Beginning November 10, Feng Shui master Marie Diamond will tell you exactly how to use Feng Shui in your home to:

• Attract more rewards for your talents
   and accomplishments

• Reduce drama, conflict, and stress in your home
   and workplace

• Learn and remember anything easily

• Have more friends and better relationships

• Let go of what is keeping you stuck

• Heal quicker from illness and injuries

Yes, good Feng Shui can result in all of this! And that's just a taste of what you will learn in this free online event.

Click here for Free Pass

How can moving your sofa
make you more money?

Chinese emperors had access to sacred knowledge about how surroundings affect energy—for better or for worse.

They knew how to attract positive energy and how to deflect negative energy. For thousands of years, they used it for a long life, to control their empire, and to build supreme wealth.

They called this knowledge Feng Shui, and to them it was mystical. But today Feng Shui can be explained through a field of science called quantum physics.

By making specific changes in your environment, you make changes in the energy that surrounds you, and this can have a massive impact on your life. Here's what Marie Diamond's students have experienced:

"Promoted to Senior Vice President with a 25% increase in pay."

"Immediately we became lovey-dovey again."

"My net worth doubled in nine months."

"Within a day the first call for an audition came in."

"An unexpected gift of $50,000 came."

"Immediately the pain subsided and has now gone away completely."

"In just ten months my personal income increased by more than 1100%. I did nothing differently but implement Diamond Feng Shui techniques."


Click here for Free Pass

If you've tried everything to change your life,
but nothing happens, maybe you're living
with bad Feng Shui

Your misfortune—or lack of fortune—may be due to the energy of your environment. Moving into a new home or switching jobs is not the solution. Bad Feng Shui is likely to follow you around until you take action to change it.

During the three days of the Diamond Feng Shui Fest, you will be able to check the Feng Shui of your home and workplace and make the changes that give you Feng Shui that can positively change your life forever.

You can learn Marie Diamond's powerful
Feng Shui techniques FREE in the
Diamond Feng Shui Fest

Thanks to the generosity of Marie Diamond there is absolutely no charge or obligation to study Diamond Feng Shui during the three days beginning November 10. To get your Free Pass to these sessions click here:

Click here for Free Pass

Feel free to pass this message onto your friends. Let's give everyone a chance to get more from life through good Feng Shui.

For your balance, harmony, and good fortune,

P.S. – Still not convinced? Watch a free 10-minute video of Marie teaching about Feng Shui here.

Thursday, October 22, 2020



A house is a place to keep your stuff, while you go get more stuff, until you have so much stuff, you have to go get a bigger house.
-- George Carlin

In Feng Shui, clutter represents postponed decisions and the inability to move forward. It includes anything unfinished, unused, unresolved, or hopelessly disorganized. Clutter creates stagnation, encouraging a negative “putting-off-until-tomorrow” mentality rather than a positive “doing-it-today” focus, thereby reducing energy in our minds and in our spaces.

Think that you have your clutter under control, or does it control you? Let's find out.

Rate your response to the questions that follow with a number from 1 to 4 according to this ranking:

  • Never or almost never -- 1
  • Sometimes -- 2
  • Usually -- 3
  • All the time -- 4

• When I have free time I like to shop.
• I keep bills, bank statements, and other mail-in piles until I have time to file.
• I have more than 10 plastic bags in my house.
• I save magazines with interesting articles/recipes.
• When I look around, I get tired thinking about what it will take to unclutter my home.
• I have two or more craft projects going at any one time.
• My house may look messy to some people, but I know where to find everything.
• If someone stops by unexpectedly, I try to avoid letting them in.
• I leave things out so I know where they are, or as a reminder to myself.
• Time keeps me from getting or being organized.
• When it comes to clearing clutter I think, "Why bother, it will just get cluttered again."
• I can't bear to part with things and I consider myself a packrat.
• The stress level in our house is directly related to the clutter level.

Now, add up your score and rate your clutter control:

44 to 52: Your clutter problem has been building, and you need some serious clutter busting.
35 to 43: Your clutter problem is growing worse and will continue unless you do something about it.
26 to 34: You have a potential clutter problem, but also can change a few habits.
17 to 25: You may be temporarily disorganized.
Less than 17: Congratulations on controlling your clutter.

This quiz comes from the book “Unclutter Your Home” by Donna Smallin.


 The are various classical feng shui techniques that can be applied to enhance romance luck.

For example, sleeping in the yen nien direction, activating the flying star 4, opening up the southwest sector of the house, etc.

But sometimes, implementing these feng shui concepts into the is simply not possible.

This is often due to space constraints or feng shui afflictions that cannot be comprehensively resolved.

So the only solution left is with symbolic feng shui.

Here are some of the most potent feng shui symbols to attract love into your life.

1) Peonies

Peony flowers are one of the most well-known symbols for attracting romance luck.

But they can be so potent, even in a sensual sense, that overuse or incorrect use can lead to dire consequences.

Display them in the living room or bedroom, and remove them when you have found a romantic partner.

Continuing to display them can lead to affairs and relationship betrayals.

2) Rose quartz

Different crystals are associated with different aspects of life. And that is before introducing the concept of chakras into the picture.

The crystal that easily outranks every other in terms of relationship luck is rose quartz.

They are pink, beautiful, and pretty affordable too.

Place a rose quartz ball on the bedside table or the living room.

If you are trying to find romance at work, bring it to the office and place it on the work desk.

Crystals, in general, can be used to improve romance luck when placed in the southwest as there is where the Kun trigram resides.

3) Couple paintings

Often times when visiting the homes belonging to singles, I find that paintings of single people are often found around the house.

When they ask the question of what is causing the bad luck in this area of life, the first thing I always recommend is to remove the paintings and artwork of single people or animals.

It is one thing to lack symbols of love, it is another to have symbols of loneliness!

For example, if you want a painting of people and sunsets, let there be two people depicted instead of one. If you like to have animal paintings like birds or fishes, let there be two of them instead of one.

4) Mandarin ducks

Mandarin ducks are infamous for being the ultimate representative from the animal world that brings marriage opportunities and represents happiness in marriage.

Have a pair in rose quartz, painted on canvas, or picture framed.

Display in the bedroom or living room as placement.

Remember that for them to bring love connotations, it must be displayed as a male and female pair.

An alternative to mandarin ducks is geese.

5) Butterfly

Butterflies are symbols that bring love, but not the mature and serious kind associated with mandarin ducks.

While the ducks are related to more serious relationships like marriage, butterflies can bring a more active social life and lead to casual romance.

The bug, after all, floats from flower to flower for their nectar. Sort of like love for sweet young things.

6) Dragon and phoenix

The dragon and phoenix together is a powerful symbol of patriarch and matriarch togetherness in a household.

This can be useful for display when one feels that only the celestial powers of celestial creatures would be able to help him or her.

As a duo, they can be displayed in common areas like the living room. Avoid the bedroom.

Take note that individually, they can represent different symbolism.

For example, the phoenix is a strong yang energy symbol when alone, but takes on a yin energy role in the presence of the dragon.

7) Peach blossoms

If you are into feng shui for a while, there’s probably not much more anyone can say to convince you of the magical love attracting qualities of peach blossoms.

Its mystical powers are so infamous that countless references are made to it in movies, novels, music, and almost any type of publications you can think of.

Get a painting of peach blossoms, maybe even with romantic calligraphy, nicely framed and hang it in the living room.

8) Painting of garden with lush colorful flowers

While landscape paintings are strongly associated with wealth luck, paintings of meadows or gardens filled with colorful blooming flowers can bring romance luck.

Don’t be surprised to find suitors knocking on your door if you have a real actual garden filled with brightly colored flowers.

Because managing a real garden can be too much of a commitment to undertake, the alternative is with paintings.

Identify when romance arrives and act on them

With these Feng Shui symbols of love properly in place, one should be more aware of when romance luck arrives.

Often times, opportunities show up in our lives and we don’t even notice them.

I remember a metaphorical story that was told about a religious man who encountered a flood with water levels rising fast. A yacht came along and offered to save him. He refused and said that he does not need help as God would save him. Then a fishing boat sailed there and wanted to pick him up. He insisted that he does not need help as God would save him. Then when the water was up to his neck, a rowboat came along and wanted to pull him out of the water. But he resisted and proclaimed that God would save him. He drowned and went to heaven. He then asked God why he did not save him. God replied that he tried to save him by sending the yacht, the boat, and rowboat. It was he who was unable to see what was right under his nose.

The moral of this story is that you don’t need to get on every boat that comes along, but you need to realize that all of them can save you from drowning. If you choose to ignore them, then time can run out one day.



There are nine tools of Feng Shui you can use to fix or “cure” negative situations and achieve harmony in your home or office.

1. Color adds context to our lives. We are conditioned to associate certain things with colors, such as holidays, cultural events, and emotions. In Feng Shui, color is also used to represent and balance the Five Elements.

2. Sound, specifically music, is a powerful way to uplift the chi in any environment and to soothe stress in the home or office. Other sound makers such as wind chimes attract, or “call” the chi into your home or workplace.

3. Lighting, especially full-spectrum light bulbs that simulate natural light, is a simple way to bring more chi into your environment. Fireplaces and candles are also a source of light. Outside, garden lighting can be used to anchor a missing Bagua area.

4. Art of any kind, whether it is a painting, sculpture, or textiles, can enhance the chi. The selection of art should reflect positive images and feelings. The placement of your art depends on the area of the Feng Shui Bagua (or mapping chart) you want to enhance.

5. Living Things like plants, flowers, and animals add active chi. Use silk if your light is too limited to grow healthy plants or when you have allergies, but avoid dried flowers because they represent stagnant, dead energy. Pets bring wonderful energy, just be sure to keep the fishbowl and pet cages, and sleeping areas clean.

6. Water features such as fountains, fish tanks, and waterfalls stimulate the movement of chi in and around your home or workplace. It is important to choose the sound of moving water that is appealing rather than disturbing.

7. Wind-Sensitive Objects outside of your home, like wind chimes, mobiles, whirligigs, banners, and flags attract positive chi toward your home. They can also be used to mark missing areas of the Bagua.

8. Mirrors can be used inside to reflect a pleasant view into a home or to symbolically move a wall and correct its shape; outside, they can be used to deflect a negative structure or unpleasant object.

9. Crystals represent energy from deep within the Earth and can help you feel grounded. Hanging a clear faceted crystal in a window will attract the sparkle of the sun and its full-color spectrum into your space.



According to Feng Shui principles, a master bedroom should be a private place reserved for rest and romance only. Does your bedroom support both? A few simple Feng Shui changes, especially in regard to color, artwork, and bed placement, can help make this most important room more appealing.

Choosing a color for your bedroom walls is the first step in creating a bedroom sanctuary where you can relax and nurture your romantic relationship. When choosing bedroom colors, the Feng Shui rule of thumb is that warm colors create warmth in your relationship, while cool colors can cool it down.

The next consideration in making Feng Shui adjustments in your bedroom is to decide what art you want to hang on the walls and display on your furniture. When selecting bedroom art, keep in mind that what you see from your bed influences how you start and end your day, so make it a pleasant view that both partners enjoy. Feng Shui principles suggest displaying restful and romantic artwork that shows pairs of people or objects, and photographs of you and your spouse or partner.

Here are some Feng Shui "cures," or adjustments, for common problems in the typical adult bedroom.

Problem: Your bed is in a direct line with the door to the room.
 When your bed is directly across from the door you feel vulnerable because you are easily seen by anyone entering the room. If you can’t move your bed, add a substantial footboard or place a trunk or bench at the foot of the bed for protection.

Problem: A mirror is hung directly across from the bed.
 A mirror in a bedroom can make you restless, especially if you can see yourself in it when you are in bed. Replace all mirrors with fine art, posters, or beautiful wall hangings and fiber art. If you must keep your mirror, cover it before going to sleep.

Problem: Your bed is positioned in a corner, against two walls.
 When a bed for two people is positioned against two walls, one of the partners can feel symbolically “trapped” in the relationship because he or she can’t get out easily. Good Feng Shui principles recommend that you always position a bed for an adult with the head against a wall and ample room to walk around it, even if this means switching to a smaller size bed.

Problem: You can see the toilet from the bed.
 Toilets are associated with waste in Feng Shui, and looking at one from your bed can disrupt restful sleep. Keep the bathroom door closed when you sleep, or position plants to create a foyer in front of the bathroom and screen it off from view.

Problem: You have a work area in your bedroom.
 Reminders of your work responsibilities can keep you awake and have a negative impact on your love life. If you must work in your bedroom, be sure your office area is as far from the bed as possible and use a screen or plants to hide the area. Remember to keep your night tables clear of any work-related reading, and keep your computer away from your bed.

Problem: Your bed is in front of a window or angled in a corner.
 When there is no solid wall behind your bed it is difficult to relax because you don’t feel grounded. If your bed must be in front of a window, add substantial window coverings and close them at bedtime. If the only location for your bed is diagonally in a corner, place plants, or a floor screen behind the head of your bed to fill in the empty space and offer some solid protection.

Problem: Your love life needs improvement.
 If your bedroom looks like only one person lives in it, it’s hard to attract or cultivate a relationship. Add a matching pair of night tables to invite a partner into your bed or to represent equality in an existing relationship. Remove stuffed animals, dolls, or other items that represent childhood from the bed to make room for a lover. To rev up your love life, remove all the photos of your children, parents, friends, and pets from your bedroom. After all, you don’t want them "watching," do you?

The Power Of Plants

 The benefits of having plants around are invaluable for our wellbeing and healthy living. Their green foliage will calm, balance, relax, and inspire us, while the sensual aromas of their flowers evoke soothing emotions. They provide us with our basic needs for food, medicine, shelter, and fresh air.

In Feng Shui, the wood element of indoor, the earth they grow in, and the color of their flowers and containers, can all be used to balance and harmonize a place elementally. Cut flowers and plants may be creatively introduced into specific areas to complement the decor and visual aesthetics of a living environment, ultimately to enhance the mood and wellbeing of its occupants.

It is scientifically well established that houseplants have sophisticated health-promoting eco-systems which absorb airborne pollutants, replenish daytime oxygen, and re-humidify dehydrated air. Having a plant near a work desk helps to improve concentration, mind, and performance. Orchids are an exception, they release oxygen at night so these romantic plants are ideal in a bedroom.

Your indoor plants will really appreciate some tender loving care. Mist them with lukewarm water to clean their leaves and to prevent the tips from drying out and turning brown, or give them a shower if you can manage that. Keep the water in cut flower vases fresh and clean to support you well. Remove all ailing leaves and blooms, but avoid prickly plants or droopy leaves. Breathing on a plant gives it carbon dioxide which it converts into oxygen to refresh the atmosphere beneficially.

Flourishing, vibrant healthy indoor plants and flowers make a home feel more welcoming, you cannot have too many of them. They thrive by living in harmony with us, whilst they connect us peacefully with the natural world. Win Win.